Артикул: WSK-128
Масса: 0.364
Цена: 3 108.81 руб.
Rear / Bak
Trailing wheel axle / L?phjul
F86, FB86, F87
F88, FB88, G88 without hub reduction /
utan navreduktion ch.36634-,
N88, NB88 without hub reduction / utan navreduktion,
B57, BB57 ch. 3405-7980,
F7 6x2, 6x4, 8x2, 8x4 with disc wheels / skivhjul,
with spoke wheels 20" hub / ekerhjul 20" nav,
F7 4x2 with spoke wheels without hub reduction /
ekerhjul utan navreduktion,
FL10, FH12 4x2, 6x2, 6x4, 8x4,
FL7, FL10 4x2, 6x2, 6x4, 8x2, 8x4
with spoke wheels and disc/ekerhjul och skivhjul,
N7 4x2, 6x2, 6x4,
F10 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 with disc wheels/skivhjul ch.-40640,
with spoke wheels 20" and 24" hub without hub reduction/
ekerhjul 20" och 24" utan navreduktion,
FS10 with spoke wheels 20" hub without hub reduction /
ekerhjul 20" nav, utan navreduktion,
F12, N10, NL10S, N12 BT10, BT13, NL12S 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 with disc
wheels / med skivhjul, with spoke wheels 20" and 24" without hub
reduction / ekerhjul 20" och 24" nav utan navreduktion,
FH12 4x2, 6x2, 6x4, 8x4 with spoke wheels, singel reduction /
ekerhjul med enkelreduktion, trailing wheels axle / l?paxel,
F16 6x4 with disc wheels without hub reduction, with spoke wheels
hub without hub reduction /skivhjul och ekerhjul 24" nav utan
FH16 4x2, 6x2, 6x4, 8x4 with disc wheels / skivhjul,
FH16 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 with spoke wheels singel reduction /
ekerhjul med enkelreduktion,
FH16 trailing wheel axle, spoke wheels / l?phjul, ekerhjul