Артикул: SV-054
Масса: -
Цена: по запросу
Engines D5, D8, D11, D13, D16
This valve is double valve type (3 hose) for both exhaust brake and
turbo function, choose SV-836 for single valve type (2 hose).
B5LH, B8R, B9L, B9S, B9TL, B9R, B12M, B13R
This valve is double valve type (3 hose) for both exhaust brake and
turbo function, choose SV-836 for single valve type (2 hose).
A25F, A30F
This valve is double valve type (3 hose) for both exhaust brake and
turbo function, choose SV-836 for single valve type (2 hose).